Friday, March 1, 2013

Talk of the Ton: Georgian/Regency Mysteries 1760-1830

One hears about Regency romances a lot, but what about Regency era mysteries?  Come join the Much Ado About Mysteries discussion group on Thursday March 14, 2013. At 7:00pm we will be chatting about the theme Talk of the Ton: Georgian/Regency Mysteries 1760-1830. We are going to be discussing the mystery stories set in the time period in which George III and his son George IV reigned.

Americans know George III as a revolutionary tyrant, but he is know for much more in his homeland.  In England, he was known as "Farmer George" for all of the progress that British agriculture made during this time. Those scientific advances helped grow the rural population, who eventually became the workers during the industrial revolution. He also kept the country together during the French Revolution and during the Napoleonic wars. He was known as a devoted husband (rare for a monarch of his time) and provided the country with several heirs.  Unfortunately he suffered from various health issues (another topic for discussion!) and his son was called in to reign as Regent.

The Regent (the future George IV) was known for his fashionable taste and his scandals. But he did have influence on the high society or as the French called it the 'ton.'  He definitely loved and created gossip.

So come and grab a copy of the reading list, held at the Reader Services desk, find a book and join us in the fun of discussing mysteries about this fascinating period of history. We have Jane Austen in the role of a sleuth, but there are gritter and darker stories too - a little something for everyone. Hope to see you there on March 14th.

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