Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gardening time is almost here! Get your trowels ready! Here are some book suggestions to make your gardening easier this year.

From saving seeds to composting in tiny spaces, Bellamy provides for the beginner a good start for a vegetable and fruit garden. It has a great section of which vegetables varieties will be great for small spaces and a nice section on organic pest control. She has great ideas for balconies and containers.
Good for the beginner or the more experienced gardener, this photographic book is organized by season: early, mid, or late. This title has some great charts on when to harvest your vegetables and what to do with them after the harvest by either using them for storage or for canning or freezing. It is an all-around good guide for vegetables and fruit.

Trail is the Canadian creator of the You Grow Girl website, and in this book she takes her garden tips and suggestions to the next level. Along with varietals that will grow in colder zones, she discusses reusing various containers, and tiny spaces for urban gardening. Canning tips and recipes (to use up your garden’s bounty) help round out this concise book.  

Success with Herbs by Yvonne Cutherbertson
From deciding which herbs to grow indoors and outdoors, to how to harvest and preserve them, this colorful photographed book makes herb growing seem easy.  There is a handy A to Z directory, and warnings about the herbs are clear to read and easily noticeable.  A great book for the beginning gardener.

So get ready and grow! I hope your growing season is long, and homegrown tomatoes here we come!

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